Rasmussen Maritime Design

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Model of 90 meter Ro-Ro vessel​

Powerconsumtion vs. velocity​

Reduction in resistance for 90m vessel with Flowbow® ​
and Flowstern

At 17.0 knots, resistancereduction approx. 17%​
At 18.0 knots, resistancereduction approx. 28%​
At 19.5 knots, resistancereduction approx. 37%

Reduction in fuel/energy consumption per distance versus velocity.

The graphs show considerable reduction in fuel/energy consumption per distance, compared to traditional hull design, as velocity increases.
This also allow vessels to be operated at considerable higher cruising speed with good fuel economy.

Model test, powerconsuption vs. velocity​

Data from model testing is to be up scaled from model to full-scale vessel, resulting in a greater percentage reduction of the resistance than shown in model testing.